Dirt M.D.
Dirt M.D. is a liquid nutrient energizer powered by humic acid sourced from leonardite (oxidized lignite) and created by novel extraction process. Used by farmers in India for over 30 years to get the most out of their nutrient regimen
Dirt M.D. – K (2-0-4)
A fertilizer version of Dirt M.D.. A higher nitrogen and potassium concentration with boron added. Lower sodium levels with higher humic and LMW humic levels.
Dirt M.D. Organic WSG (0-0-10)
A CDFA certified organic equivalent of Dirt M.D.. This product will be available for testing starting middle of May, 2018.
KhushFul (3-0-8)
KhushFul (3-0-8) is a specialty fertilizer containing plant extracts fortified with nutrients to help plants achieve vigorous growth with faster recovery from stress.
Mikro M.D. (6-0-0)
Mikro M.D. is a micronutrient fertilizer that provides plant strengthening silicon in its most plant-available form (monosilicic acid) in addition to other essential chelated micronutrients.